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eSafety Information

Social Media Guides

Social Media can be a bit of a minefield at the best of times, but you should always start with the age restrictions. Is your child old enough to even be on the site? Chances are they aren't, as the minimum age requirement for most sites is 13+, and even this is a guide. Did you know the age restrictions for the below?

13+ TikTok

13+ Instagram

13+ Snapchat

13+ Youtube 

13+ Facebook

16+ Whatsapp

It can be difficult to prescribe a precise age limit for social media sites as children need to have the social and emotional skills to cope with the demands of social media. However it is important to adhere to the legal age requirements as they are in place for your child's protection. If and when you do allow your child onto social media sites, ensure you are monitoring their use. Below are some social media guides that contain very useful information about social media sites.

Gaming and influencers

Much like social media, gaming and influencers can be a minefield too! Again, we recommend starting with and following the age restrictions, and always monitoring what your child is doing online. Please see the below for information and guidance.

Online safety stories (3-7 years) 

The Digiduck collection has been created to help parents and teachers to educate children aged 3-7 years about online safety. The collection includes ebooks, PDFs, a poster and an interactive app. Follow Digiduck and his pals in these stories of friendship, responsibility and critical thinking online.

  • Digiduck's Big DecisionFollow Digiduck and his pals in this story of friendship and responsibility online.
  • Digiduck's Famous FriendFollow Digiduck and his pals in this story about critical thinking and reliability online.
  • Detective DigiduckFollow Digiduck and his pals in this story focusing on reliability of online information.

SMART Rules Video Lessons

Below you will find 6 easy-to-follow videos based on the SMART rules for online safety.  Each video has:

  • simple, clear online safety advice specifically tailored for children aged 6-9 years old,
  • 10-15 minutes of fun activities, games and discussion points,
  • narration from an experienced member of the Childnet education team,
  • optional follow-up activities to extend children’s learning.

Please note: due to the format of this resource and to encourage meaningful discussion, we would strongly advise that children watch the video lessons together with an adult.

The S Rule - Safe (What information is safe to share?)

The M Rule - Meet (Is it safe to meet people online?)

The A Rule - Accept (What is safe to click on and open?)

The R Rule - Reliable (Can we trust everything we read online?)

The T Rule - Tell (Who can we tell about online problems?)

Quiz video to test knowledge of SMART Rules

Play Like Share: (8-10 years)

Play Like Share is a three-episode animated series which aims to help 8-10 year olds learn how to stay safe online. The series follows the adventures of Sam, Ellie and Alfie as they form a band and enter their school's Battle of the Bands contest, taking on the mean but 'cool' Popcorn Wizards as they go. The three friends learn that while the internet can help them in pursuit of their goal, they need to use it wisely and safely.

Horrible Histories online safety (7-12 years)

Internet Safety Websites